Advertise your business 24/7 with a new roof sign for your vehicle
Roofsign Australia exists to make advertising easier for you!
Roof signs are the most cost-effective way of advertising these days. A one-off investment can allow you to advertise your business 24/7 for up to five years! If your vehicle is on the go during night hours, lighting up an LED roof sign will instantly attract more business.
For driving instructors, it provides a simple solution for displaying that you might have a learner driver in your car.
Our business prides itself in being one of the largest roof sign providers Australia-wide and offers quality products that are hard to come by.
We offer roof signs that will suit any type of business looking to advertise.
Roof signs that are built to last
Made from high quality acrylic, our roof signs come from England and are UV stable so they won't yellow or fade over time.
These long-lasting magnetic roof signs will stay in great condition for up to five years.
No matter what shape the roof of your vehicle is, we are sure that our magnetic signs will fit just right.
To keep your roof sign securely fastened, we use 5 neodymium rare-earth magnets. These permanent magnets won't lose their strength over time, keeping your roof sign where it should be.
To protect your roof we can also offer a rubber ring protector to avoid any scratching of your roof.
Our expert team and designers are here to help!
Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have and give you recommendations of what would suit your business.
All of our roof signs can be supplied blank or we can organise the print of your own design. We also provide design and printing services, should you require that. Working alongside designers to ensure a high quality print, we aim to get your roof sign to you within 10 days of your purchase.